Welcome to the Dutch Lane Elementary School's website!
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Dutch Lane School! September is always an exciting time, and our entire staff has been working diligently to prepare for opening day. As your principal, I am thrilled to partner with both parents and staff to assist our children in achieving their personal best.
This year, the Dutch Lane teachers will continue to implement the New York State Learning Standards through our academic programs such as Into Math, Reading Street, and Teacher’s College Writer’s Workshop. We will provide an engaging and challenging curriculum in which our children can think critically and strive to reach their individual goals.
Along with our strong academic programs, the staff at Dutch Lane recognizes the importance of a child’s social-emotional development. We will continue to build upon our character education programs to foster a warm and positive school climate. When children walk through the doors of Dutch Lane, it is essential to me that they feel a part of our school family. Respect, acceptance, and a desire to help others will be at the forefront of our daily interactions.
Dutch Lane is so fortunate to have a very involved PTA. Our parents work tirelessly to support many school initiatives and assist in making Dutch Lane a wonderful place to learn. I recommend that you find some time in your very busy schedules to attend our monthly PTA meetings or assist with one of our various PTA functions.
As the school year unfolds, please take some time to peruse our website so that you can be kept up to date on the latest Dutch Lane events. I look forward to working collaboratively to help each child succeed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 733-2361.
I thank you for your support and look forward to a very productive and enjoyable school year!
Warm regards,
Janine Rossi
Dutch Lane School